Samaj Pragati Sahayog (SPS)

States - Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra

Districts - Khargone, Dewas, Amrawati

Dewas and Khargone district in Madhya Pradesh and Amravati District of Maharashtra are some of the most backward, remote, drought-prone regions of India with a high tribal population and it typifies some of the most difficult problems faced by the people in this country. Lack of water infrastructure, dependence on rain fed agriculture leading to migration and displacement due to infrastructure projects are some of the problems faced by these communities. SPS has been working in the region since 1990 on natural resource management, sustainable livelihoods, and women-led SHGs for micro finance to help generate higher income, check distress migration and eliminate indebtedness.

Axis bank Foundation is working with SPS in the regions to help create a crucial water infrastructure to improve the productivity of small and marginal farmers, implement a dry land agriculture package for better utilisation of the water harvested, enable better pricing of their products through crop aggregation, empower women through financial inclusion and access government schemes and entitlements to ensure Right to Food.

The project aims to increasing household income through large scale social mobilization focusing on block level impact using a saturation model to augment income levels from current state to desired levels. The interventions are women focused and encourages participative change leading towards social, economic and political empowerment.
