vision, missionand Values

Axis Bank Foundation's vision is to reach out to the most-in-need communities in some of the poorest regions of the country.

In the first phase of the mission (2011-17), ABF has worked with the communities from the poor districts of India and reached out to more than a million participants taking them to a path of transformation, both economically and socially. In the new phase (2018-25), ABF is committed to work with Two Million households in their journey towards better livelihood means that can be sustainable and will lead to the next level of social transformation. This will be achieved by building strong community institutions, producer organisations, market linkages, etc. and thereby building resilience.

ABF places significantly high focus on women and their role in its livelihood strategy, as a way to address gender balance and empowerment.

The programs encourages creation and support of women Self Help Groups (SHGs), improving their capability in financial management, asset creation, healthcare awareness, micro enterprise management and awareness on government schemes. Women are also supported with opening of bank accounts in their name, linked with markets or supply chains to help them in their enterprises. While ABF through its interventions provides considerable economic prosperity to the targeted households, it also works towards setting measures to increase the welfare quotient (quality of life) of the households for it to be commensurate with the economic prosperity achieved.